The Shaggy Dev - Page 4

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Starter state machines in Godot 4

33 minute read

Here’s an updated look at how I like to do state machines in Godot 4. I’m going to go over some simpler, starter techniques today, and in the next post I’ll ...

Making tactical units - A devlog

34 minute read

We’ve looked at the high-level design of the game, now let’s talk about how the data behind units is structured, how artwork is implemented, and how I’m hand...

Developing a tactics engine in Godot - A devlog

26 minute read

In this devlog of sorts, we’ll look at how I’m structuring the game engine for my future tactics game using Godot. Topics include level structure, unit struc...

Bite-Sized Godot: Audio volume sliders

6 minute read

Setting up volume sliders in Godot quick and simple. Here’s how to do it, and how to divide your audio into buses for a better user experience.