Bite-sized Godot: Better screen shake
Using Godot’s built-in OpenSimplexNoise class, we use create smooth, continuous noise to control our camera. Appropriate for both intense screen shaking and ...
Using Godot’s built-in OpenSimplexNoise class, we use create smooth, continuous noise to control our camera. Appropriate for both intense screen shaking and ...
We’ve seen how to implement a basic state machine, now let’s look at how hierarchical state machines and dependency injection can help us build it out further.
A few takeaways from my latest game, Kaiju Klash, which was made in two weeks for the Kaiju Jam.
Combining the Line2D node with the Geometry class, we can let players draw their own physics objects in a game.
Let’s take a moment to look at some small, but helpful, tips for working with GDScript.